Eugene & Associates, PC

We focus on effective ways to respond to the challenge of improving education at the international, national and local levels of society.
The Inaugural TABSE Policy Summit was a 1.5-day event designed to enable district leaders to interact with statewide officials and learn how to monitor and impact policy. The Policy Summit is a continuation of the vision and leadership of Dr. Robert Bostic, School Superintendent, and CEO of Schools One Stop Shop, and Darrick Eugene, Managing Shareholder of Eugene and Associates. The Policy Summit further advances the work of the Aspiring Superintendents Institute.

Managing Shareholder (pictured right) attends Holiday Top Golf Mixer thrown by Dr. Adrian Johnson (not pictured).

Managing Shareholder Darrick Eugene visits Client Texas Empowerment Academy’s new Facility. Pictured with Superintendent David Nowlin.

"I have been working with Eugene & Associates, PC, for more than five years now, since the time when there were no associates, only Darrick! I can say confidently that through the firm’s expansion, the level of attention to detail and quality has remained! The firm has helped our institution with every facet of school law from the more routine PIA requests, to construction support (conception to grand opening), and special education matters. I take comfort in knowing that regardless of the issue, I will receive calm and friendly advice detailing our next steps and options."
Mr. Chris Mayes
Superintendent for Beatrice Mayes Institute